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A Day in the Life of a Dancer

Four female ballet danceres pose in the corner of a dance studio.

We frequently share what our dancers are up to in rehearsal, but we rarely get to follow them through the rest of their day. How dancers fill their time outside the studio can look a little different for everyone, but some themes emerge: working another job, teaching dance, or studying for a degree are all very common. Some dancers may even be balancing all three at once!

I caught up with two of our company dancers and one of our trainees to hear what a day in their life looks like during the season. For demi-soloist Jenna Fritts, that includes working as BTM's office manager. Soloist dancer Allen Sizemore is taking 12 credits this semester for his degree in political science. Lastly, trainee dancer Alyssa Tyson shares how she balances a morning at work with an evening spent honing her ballet technique.

Demi-Soloist Dancer and Office Manager

The start of my third season has been great so far and I love being back in a rhythm. It's slightly different this year as you can now find me in the office as BTM’s office manager. Chances are if you call the company, you’ll hear my voice on the other end. 


6:45 am - I wake up feeling not as sore as usual, which is nice. I could sleep in longer but my favorite part of the day is just sitting and enjoying my morning coffee on my porch for a few quiet minutes.

8:17 am - I head out the door, even though I always intend to leave at 8:10. On the drive to work, I crank up my music loud enough that I can’t hear how bad of a singer I am. What I listen to varies from day to day but music always creates an energy and an atmosphere (both on stage and in life) and this helps me set the tone for the day that I want for what’s ahead. 


8:35 am - I get to the studio and check the company email inbox to see if anything new came up that needs to be added to my list of things to address that day. Then I head into the studio to do some light stretches and exercises to get my body feeling limber yet active before class. 


9:00 am - During class we are working on a lot of petit allegro and aspects of the Bournonville technique style. This is nice as petit allegro is a weaker area of my technique. It has been wonderful working in class using the same dance vocabulary we always use but with a different emphasis for Napoli. If our steps are like words then it is like speaking in the same language but with a different accent. Part of why I love being a professional dancer so much is that while we know and practice almost all the moves regularly, the order and the way that we do them keeps our job interesting and fun. Karissa, a principal who taught class, finds many fun and challenging combos that push us. 


Jenna poses in an attitude en pointe with a long skirt swirling around her
Photo by Mark Santillano

1:00 pm - At lunch, I head to my desk and answer a few emails. This includes a school’s trip to one of our mini shows, a ticket donation request for a pet shelter trying to raise money in a raffle, scheduling the next visits for our physical therapist and sports psychologist, and working on ads and the content for our next performance’s printed program.

2:00 pm - Before I know it, it’s time to head back into the studio. I haven’t reviewed Act 2 of Napoli at all, but when the music comes on thankfully everything comes back to me. Rehearsals finish up at 4:00 and I work some more on the printed program before I run a few errands and head home for the day.


6:30 pm - After a quick snack, I head out for a run. Getting some fresh air, being outside enjoying the weather, and feeling the adrenaline helps me be refreshed and relaxed. As much as we exercise and strengthen our bodies in the studio it is important to enjoy other forms of cross-training for a healthy and holistic body as well as mentally for myself. For me, that currently includes running, yoga, and the gym.

8:00 pm - For dinner I make some delicious chicken meatballs and broccoli as I noticed that I haven’t had much protein today and I have only had one green thing so far. I then spend a little too much time on Instagram Reels because I don’t watch TV. I can never choose what I want to watch or sit there long enough to finish an episode.

Then I FaceTime my long-distance boyfriend like I do every night. Right before I put my phone away for the night, thankfully I remember I have to keep my Duolingo streak alive. I finish a lesson before I fall asleep. 


BTM Dancers in rehearsal. Photo by Michael West Jr.

Soloist Dancer

Hello, my name is Allen Sizemore and I am a soloist at Ballet Theater of Maryland. This is my first season with the company, and I am looking forward to the great opportunities here to dance and perform a wide variety of roles and styles with the other members of this talented company. I was born and raised in Indiana where I received the majority of my ballet training, and I am very excited to have moved to Annapolis and enjoy this city. I am also starting my junior year at Indiana University online to earn my Bachelor's Degree in political science.

Now that I’ve begun to settle in, a typical day for me would follow this schedule:

7:00 am - Wake up

7:30 am - Make oatmeal and a protein shake for breakfast, then enjoy the rest of my morning before class

8:30 am - Arrive at ballet and warm up by rolling out my whole body and stretching (I’m never without my orange roller)

9:00 am - Take company class to get ready for a day of rehearsals

11:00 am - First rehearsals for the day, for me I would be working on Napoli Corps or Pas de Six for most of the day.

Allen slides into a split with one arm reaching overhead. He wears orange tights and no shoes or shirt.
Photo by Rachel Malehorn

1:00 pm - Take a lunch break and recover by listening to music and relaxing

2:00 pm - Afternoon rehearsals begin, continuing with Napoli and maybe Nutcracker (it’s never too early to start Nutcracker rehearsals!)

4:00 pm - Finish up at the studio and head to the gym for a quick workout

6:00 pm - Make dinner for myself, go-to meals being tacos or ramen

7:45 pm - Spend the rest of the evening studying until I can’t keep my eyes open

11:30 pm - Get ready for bed and then rinse and repeat the next day!

Ballet dancers pose in a line in a dance studio. They are on one leg with their eyes turned up toward their arm in allonge.
BTM dancers in rehearsal. Photo by Lauren Martinez.

Trainee Dancer

Photo by Rachel Malehorn

Hello, my name is Alyssa Tyson and this is my first season with Ballet Theatre of Maryland in their Trainee division. I am striving to continue improving my dancing and to be the best version of myself that I can be. While I'm dancing I want to make the story come to life and make the audience feel like they are really in it with us. I aim to be in a professional ballet company in the next two years and hope to inspire people with my dancing.

7:00 am - My two kittens wake me up by chewing on my feet because they want breakfast. I drag myself out of bed to feed them and go right back to sleep

8:30 am - My actual alarm wakes me up. I put on an episode of Gilmore Girls while I get dressed and ready for work

8:55 am - Make breakfast

9:20 am - Pack my bags, make my lunch for the day, and then bike to work at a local gourmet market.

9:50 am - Clock in and start working. After setting up, we open the store at 11:00.

12:00 pm - Sign in an order and stock the shelves

12:30 pm - Random dance break because a good song came on the work radio

1:00 pm - Wipe down counters and do some dishes

2:25 pm - Munch on some Goldfish crackers

Alyssa poses at the barre in front of a window in a dance studio. She is wearing a black leotard, pink tights, and pointe shoes, and her position casts a shadow on the floor in front of her.

3:30 pm - Clock out and start biking to the studio

4:00 pm - Arrive at the studio and prepare for class (put my hair in a bun, get changed, and refill my water bottle). I'll eat a sandwich and a couple of Goldfish before class time.

4:20 pm - Start warming up my muscles for class in the studio 

4:30 pm - Pilates with Miss Lindsey

5:00 pm - Ballet class with Miss Vicky

6:30 pm - Partnering class with Mr. Issac and Miss Vicky

7:30 pm - Class ends, and I ask Miss Vicky about a correction I received earlier

7:35 pm - Before I bike home, I get changed, pack my bags, and eat a banana (for energy)

8:25 pm - Arrive at home and take a shower

9:00 pm - Reheat leftovers for dinner and call my boyfriend, friends, or family

10:30 pm - Study my Bible (right now I'm in Exodus)

11:20 pm - Complete my Duolingo lesson and scroll on Instagram

12:15 am - Watch an episode of Gilmore Girls while playing Wordscapes, and then go to sleep.

Young female dancers in black leotards and pink tights pose for ra group photo in a studio setting.
The 2024-2025 Trainee group, with Alyssa sitting on the far right. Photo by Clara Molina

Each dancer's schedule has unique elements, but there are strong similarities: each person does their best to make sure that they are fueled, rested, and prepared to work hard in the studio. Whatever their individual goals are, most of their day revolves around making them happen!

You can catch Jenna, Allen, and Alyssa in the company's upcoming performance of Napoli. If you are interested in helping to support these dancers or other members of the company, please consider becoming a part of our Adopt a Dancer Program.

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